Collections Can Both Inform and Inspire Viewers

I recently discovered how collections can inform and inspire viewers. After a delightful lunch at the Saratoga Grill in Hillsborough, NC, my husband and I visited the nearby Orange County Museum. We hadn’t expected to find such an intriguing place. The sign out front of the entrance proclaimed, Treasure Hunters, Orange County Collectors.
The museum held a kaleidoscope of collections.
After we entered the museum, we browsed through the different exhibits and discovered how collections can both inspire and inform viewers. This building housed diverse exhibits from people all over Orange County. As we looked at pieces from their private collections, we saw many unique items. The displays included pieces of medieval armor, Peaceable Kingdom art, Lucite purses, sports memorabilia, American folk buildings, Breyer horses, shopping bags, old cameras, unusual salt and pepper shakers, mail art, Quaker items, period fashions, and many others.
Why people collect
People collect for many reasons. Some want to gather like objects to bring a little order to our chaotic world. Others want to become an authority on a specific subject that interests them. Still others hope their items will increase in value. Regardless of the reason, all collectors seem to enjoy the thrill of the hunt. They get ecstatic when they acquire a new piece.
The museum offers a free book for visitors.
As I browsed through the pages of this book, I learned interesting facts about the items on display. Each piece had a picture in the book with a brief description of its significance. Some collections, such as medieval armor involved considerable expense. Others, such as mail art and shopping bags, required little or no money. Yet each of these collections informed and inspired viewers.
This book also included stories about the collectors themselves, as well as interesting facts about local history. After seeing such displays, museum visitors often get inspired to start collections of their own.
What do I collect?
These collections inspired me, but I still had no desire to amass anything that required storage, cleaning, or insurance. However, I did start something of my own. I chose to gather together creative ideas instead. I can file these away in a book or keep them in my mind for future reference. Whenever I need an idea, I have a resource available to retrieve one. As a writer, this type of collection is invaluable.
The most avid treasure hunter of all
When I viewed these collections, a scripture verse came to mind. Matthew 13:45 says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all he had and bought it.”
As I said before, the collector is thrilled to acquire a new addition. But this verse doesn’t speak of any collector. It is an illustration of how God as the treasure hunter seeks us, the pearl of great value. Wow! Can you believe it? There is One who values us so much that He sacrificed all for us. Isn’t that an earth-shaking thought? It made me smile.
Have you ever allowed Him to make you part of His collection? Like other collectors that acquire a new addition, He rejoices over us, His pearl of great price.
Have you seen any collections that inform or inspire you? What do you like to collect? I’d love to hear from you.
The Conversation
I used to collect spoons from across the country. Now when I go somewhere, I get a Christmas ornament to put on my tree and remind me of my travels. I also have dolls from different countries that I keep safe in a curio cabinet.
Loved your writings JoAnn! I love to collect tea cups and saucers, and occasionally pull them out and invite girlfriends over for tea parties. The cups are second hand purchases, so they have been of little expense. But I do get a thrill when searching and I discover a wonderful tea cup with a beautiful pattern and of a good brand. I love the ratification of finding a good deal, but also love holding in my hands something that may have been passed down through generations of tea parties. Come have tea with me someday and we can reminisce together of days gone by while we sip tea together!