Ways Our Shepherd Provides

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalms 23:1 (KJV)

After I read this verse, I thought about the ways our Shepherd cares for his sheep. I have certainly experienced His provision many times during this pandemic. Here are just a few examples:

The Shepherd brings light into our darkness.

One dreary day a few weeks ago, I longed to bring cheer into our home. The news was all gloom and doom, so I needed something to counteract it. I wanted flowers for the table, but the florist shops were closed.

However, the Lord gave me the idea to look for wildflowers in our backwoods. With a small vase in hand, I set out to search our property.

I found ground covers, a daffodil, and small flowers like dandelions and violets. Many people trample on these plants, never stopping to enjoy their beauty.

After I arranged them in a small vase, they brightened our kitchen table and lifted our spirits. My husband and I were thankful God provided this delightful gift at a time when we needed it.

The Shepherd restores our souls.

Like many of you, social distancing was taking a toll on me. I missed friends, although Facebook and social media helped. Still, it wasn’t the same as being with them in person.

One day when I was feeling especially shut off from the world, I received a surprise in the mail. A letter arrived from a friend I hadn’t heard from in a long time. This unexpected note lifted my spirits with the exact words I needed to hear!

Our Shepherd leads us to the still waters where we can take a refreshing drink to revive our spirits. He knows exactly what will renew us, and He sends help at the right time.

The Shepherd provides for our needs.

My husband depends on Tylenol to help him with chronic pain. When his supply ran low, he went out to buy another bottle.

Although he searched in five or six different drug stores, none of them had the medicine he needed. He hadn’t realized that this product, along with hand sanitizer and bleach, was in great demand.

His search turned out to be fruitless. Locating Tylenol was harder than finding a needle in a pile of mulch! He figured he’d need a miracle to get any.

He was about to give up when he discovered a small section of drugs at a local grocery. All the regular Tylenols were gone there, too. However, a small bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol gel caps was in the back of the shelf. A larger bottle in front had hidden it from view. When he picked up the medicine, it was the exact kind he needed! Once again, our Shepherd had taken care of our needs.

The Shepherd is waiting to show you His power.

When our lives are normally busy, we sometimes fail to recognize all the things God does for us. Then, a tiny virus upends our comfortable, self-sufficient lives.

Since we have no control over the coronavirus, we must reach out to God. There is no one else to help us. We can’t handle such problems on our own, and neither can we depend on government. Even charities may be too overwhelmed to help us. The Shepherd is the only one we can turn to in a crisis.

Fortunately, God loves his sheep and is always ready to provide for them. He loves to show us His almighty power.

Have you seen evidence of His care lately?

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